The Statute of the Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions
1.1. Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions (Lith.: Lietuvos religijotyrininkų draugija, further – LSSR) is a public legal person of limited civil liability that connects individuals seeking to research and understand religions using scientific methods. The legal form of LSSR is an association.
1.2. LSSR acts in an accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the law of Associations, the Civil code and other legislation, and bases its activity on this statute.
1.3. LSSR operates in a whole territory of Lithuania.
1.5. LSSR is a juridical person and has an account in a bank.
1.6. LSSR has its own symbols, which are approved by the general assembly of LSSR.
2.1. The objectives of LSSR are:
2.1.1. to bring together people, who research religious phenomena by using scientific methods;
2.1.2. to develop non-confessional research and studies of religions, to promote an academic honesty in these studies, while contributing to a formation of open society in Lithuania;
2.1.3. to introduce Lithuanian society with works of religious studies scholars and applied by them methods.
3.1. LSSR, implementing its objectives:
3.1.1. collects and analyzes information about various religious phenomena;
3.1.2. organizes events, conferences, seminars, discussions, expeditions and other events in the field of research and studies of religions;
3.1.3. prepares and implements projects and programs in the field of research and studies of religion;
3.1.4. maintains contacts and cooperates with all organization in Lithuania whose activities are related to the analysis of religious phenomena, offers those organizations consultations and expertise;
3.1.5. maintains contacts and cooperates with foreign organizations for the study of religions (European Association of the Study of Religions, International Association for the History of Religions);
3.1.6. releases publications, which reflect the objectives and activities of the organization;
3.1.7. LSSR can accept support according to the Law on Charity and Sponsorship of the Republic of Lithuania.
4.1. The members of LSSR can be capable physical persons who have a scientific degree no less than MA.
4.2. An individual, who wishes to become a member of LSSR, fills an application of an approved form and submits at least two written recommendations of the members of LSSR. New members are accepted by the decision of the Board of LSSR.
4.3. The Board Secretary of LSSR keeps the record of members and the forms.
4.4. The member of LSSR has these rights:
4.4.1. to attend and vote at the general LSSR assembly of members, to elect and be elected to the governing bodies of LSSR;
4.4.2. to familiarize with the documents of LSSR and receive all available to LSSR information about its activities, make suggestions and express opinions on LSSR activities;
4.4.3. to participate in open meetings and various events of any structure of LSSR;
4.4.4. to represent the organization in seminars, conferences and other forums, upon receiving such authority from the Chairman of LSSR;
[4.4.5]. To use the services provided by LSSR;
4.4.[6]. to suspend or withdraw his membership from LSSR at any time.
4.5. The member of LSSR has these obligations:
4.5.1. to comply with the statute of LSSR;
4.5.2. to carry out decisions accepted by the governing bodies of LSSR;
4.5.3. to pay regularly the membership fee;
4.5.4. to be tolerant of other members, respect their views and rights, also to refrain from the activities, which are directed against LSSR or against its members.
4.6. The membership of LSSR is considered to be suspended or terminated from the moment, when the member submits a statement requesting that to the Chairman or the Board of LSSR.
4.7. The Board of LSSR may terminate or suspend the membership of LSSR of an individual if he does not comply with the statute, and his activities are harmful to the prestige of the organization. Suspended membership is restored by the decision of the general assembly of LSSR.
5.1. The members of LSSR pay a membership fee, the amount and regularity of the payment is determined by the general assembly of LSSR or, on behalf of the latter, the Board.
5.3. The Board, taking into consideration social position of individual members of the organization, may reduce the payment of a membership fee for individual members.
5.4. If the member of LSSR does not pay a membership fee without a valid reason for more than a year, his membership is suspended in the organization. The membership can be restored only on a payment of all compulsory fees.
5.5. Each new member must pay an entry fee of LTL 20.
6.1. The bodies of LSSR are: the General assembly of the members; the Chairman; the Board.
6.2. General assembly of the members
6.2.1. General assembly of the members of LSSR (further – the Assembly) is the highest body of LSSR. Assembly is organized at least once a year;
6.2.2. Assembly is organized by the Board, which also sets time and place of Assembly. Assembly is open to all members of LSSR.
6.2.3. Board of LSSR has to inform the members about time and place of Assembly not later than one week before Assembly.
6.2.4. Assembly is valid if it is attended by more than a half of the members of LSSR. Decisions are taken by simple majority of votes, except for cases that are separately discussed in this statute. If there is no a quorum at the meeting, repeated Assembly must be convoked according to the procedure, which is set by the statute. The repeated Assembly has a right to make decisions on the questions of the agenda of the previous Assembly meeting that lacked quorum no matter how many members have attended the repeated Assembly of LSSR.
6.2.5. The Assembly elects and dismisses the Chairman of LSSR, the Board of LSSR, confirms the Inspector of LSSR, approves the annual financial accountability of LSSR, decides about a rearrangement or end (reorganization or liquidation) of LSSR by a majority of at least 2/3 of votes, accepts and changes the statute of LSSR by a majority of at least 2/3 votes, approves the plan of activity of LSSR for the next year, and considers other issues.
6.2.6. The Assembly is chaired by the Chairman or by other individual, elected by the Assembly.
6.2.7. The meetings are recorded in protocols that are kept by the Secretary of the Board.
6.3 Chairman of LSSR
6.3.1. Assembly elects the Chairman of LSSR for a cadency of two years. The Chairman may be revoked before the time only by 2/3 votes of the members of the Assembly.
6.3.2. The Chairman of LSSR:
– works on behalf of LSSR without an individual authorization;
– directs the work of the Board of LSSR;
– appoints the Treasurer and the Secretary from the members of the Board of LSSR.
– signs documents of LSSR; signs financial documents together with the Treasurer of LSSR.
– has the right to convene an extraordinary Assembly.
6.4. The Board of LSSR
6.4.1. The Board is a collegial governing body of LSSR, which is elected by the Assembly for two years.
6.4.2. The Board consists of 5 members: the Chairman and four other elected by the Assembly individuals.
6.4.3. A meeting of the Board of LSSR is valid if it is attended by at least half of the members of the Board.
6.4.4. The decisions of the Board of LSSR are taken by simple majority of votes. When votes are allocated equally, the vote of the Chairman is decisive.
6.4.5. The Board of LSSR:
– prepares guidelines of the organization,
– organizes activity of LSSR, prepares and implements projects,
– approves an establishment of work groups and branches of LSSR, regulations of branches and program guidelines of work groups;
– employs and dismisses employees, forms contracts of an employment with them;
– convenes the Assembly of LSSR, determines its time and place;
– prepares and submits the report of the activity of LSSR to the general assembly of LSSR;
– announces public information or organizes its announcement;
– admits new members of LSSR, administers an accounting of members and the payment of a membership fee;
– organizes voluntary work in an accordance with the regulations of the Government;
– takes a decision to change the location of the office of LSSR;
– deals with other issues within the competence of the board, which is assigned to the Board by the statute of LSSR.
6.5. Work group of LSSR
6.5.1. Work groups can be established within the framework of the LSSR, and which specialize in distinct fields of the research and studies of religions.
6.5.2. The Board decides about an expediency of the establishment of work groups.
6.5.3. The Work group consists of no less than three members of LSSR.
6.5.4. In its activities, the Work group follows the statute of LSSR, the resolutions of the Board of LSSR and the provisions of the program which are approved by the latter.
6.6. Branches of LSSR
6.6.1. Branches of LSSR are established on a territorial basis, with a decision of the Board of the LSSR.
6.6.2. The question of the establishment of a branch of LSSR is discussed in the Board of LSSR, if not less than five members of LSSR express a will for this.
6.6.3. The branch of LSSR is established with a decision of the Board of LSSR.
6.6.4. The regulations are approved by the Board of LSSR.
6.6.5. The activity of the branch of LSSR is terminated by a decision of the Board.
6.7. Advisory Board
6.7.1. The Advisory board of LSSR may be established by the decision of the Assembly of LSSR.
6.7.2. The Advisory board is an advisory body that provides suggestions for the matters of LSSR, consults during the implementation of research projects.
6.7.3. The Advisory board consists of professionals of different branches of sciences, who are not members of LSSR, but who can give useful advice for LSSR;
6.7.4. The members of the Advisory board have a right to participate in meetings of the Board with a right for an advisory vote, to offer suggestions for the agenda of meetings of the Assembly or the Board.
6.7.5. The members of the Advisory board must be regularly informed about the activity of LSSR;
6.7.6. Work of the members of the Advisory board is unpaid.
7.1. The funds of LSSR consist of the funds collected as a membership fee, given (donated) funds by Lithuanian and foreign physical and legal persons, interest for funds stored in credit institutions, other legally obtained funds and property.
7.2. Accumulated funds of LSSR are disposed by the Board and the Chairman of LSSR, and administered by the Treasurer of LSSR.
7.3. The funds of LSSR may be used in accordance with the Board of LSSR.
7.4. The Inspector performs a financial control of the activity.
7.5. The Inspector is appointed by the Assembly for a cadency of 2 years.
7.6. The Inspector cannot be a member of the Board of LSSR. The duties of the Inspector of LSSR may be performed as a member of LSSR, but the Inspector can be appointed from outside of the organization as well.
7.7. The Inspector of LSSR may be employed under the labor laws of the Republic of Lithuania or to work free of charge.
7.8. Once per calendar year, the Inspector submits a report to the General Assembly of LSSR.
8.1 LSSR is restructured or terminated in accordance with the Civil Code.
8.2. The activity of LSSR is terminated by the decision of the general assembly of LSSR, by a majority of not less than 2/3 of all members or by the decision of a court.
8.3. The Assembly of LSSR forms a commission of liquidation for the liquidation of LSSR. After the requirements of the creditors have been satisfied, along with the requirements of the members of the LSSR, which does not exceed an entry contribution or the membership fees, the remaining property and funds of LSSR are transferred to other public legal person or persons, who are determined by the Assembly or the court, which decided to liquidate LSSR.
A new version of the statute was accepted on June 15, 2011.
The chairman of the Lithuanian
Society for the Study of Religions dr. Milda Ališauskienė