New and Minority Religions, Crises and Resilience
The conference “New and Minority Religions, Crises and Resilience: Overcoming Inner and External Obstacles” aimed to discuss how new and minority religions respond to global crises faced by societies throughout the world. The conference will take place on June 21-24, 2023 in Vilnius. It was co-organized by:
- Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR)
- International Society for the Study of New Religions (ISSNR)
- Center for the Research and Information About Religions (Lithuania)
- Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions
- Vilnius University Institute of International Relations and Political Science
For more information, please visit the CESNUR website.

Religion, Politics and Uncertainty: Shifting Boundaries
The conference co-organized by the International Sociological Association RC22, Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius University, and the Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions took place on November 11-13, 2021 in Vilnius.

Religion(s) and Power(s)
The third international conference of the Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions, co-organized by the Latvian Society for the Study of Religions and the Estonian Society for the Study of Religions.
October 5-6, 2017, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas.

Life Here and Hereafter: Beliefs and Practices
The conference co-organized by the Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions, Vilnius University and Vytautas Magnus University
October 23-24, 2015, Vilnius

Religious Diversification Worldwide and in Central and Eastern Europe
The conference co-organized by the International Study of Religion in Eastern and Central Europe Association (ISORECEA), Vytautas Magnus University and the Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions
April 24-27, 2014, Kaunas

The Visible and the Invisible in Contemporary Religions
The conference organized by Vytautas Magnus University and the Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions
December 18, 2014, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas
Interdisciplinary Research on Religions in Lithuania: Problems and Perspectives
The second national conference of the Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions
October 26, 2012, Vilnius University, Vilnius
The conference was dedicated to the memory of Gintaras Beresnevičius (1961-2006), the pioneer of contemporary study of religions in Lithuania and the first chairperson of the Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions.