The Programme of the 2nd national conference of the Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions was announced today on the page Conference 2012. Download the programme or read it online.
The 2nd National Conference of Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions “INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES OF RELIGIONS IN LITHUANIA: PROBLEMS AND TENDENCIES” will take place on October 26, 2012 at Vilnius University Senate Hall, located on the main building of Vilnius University, University st. 3, Vilnius.
In memoriam Gintaras Beresnevičius (1961-2006), the founder of contemporary studies of religions in Lithuania and first chairman of Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions.
The publication of the programme of the second national conference of Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions has been supported by Research Council of Lithuania. Project “Expansion of Religious Studies in Lithuania and Abroad”, agreement No. ACO-06/2012.